Almost all breastfeeding mothers come across situations, as one offs or on a regular basis, when they have to pump some milk. The psychological pressure can make it more difficult to remove milk in an already difficult situation when you’re juggling a newborn, perhaps older children and worrying about your baby’s weight and your supply.

This photo shows an easy hack: cover the container, so you can’t see how much you’re pumping. It might surprise you how much more you get when you’re not watching every drop, every ml!I have collected the best sources of information for you to help you get the most out of your pumping sessions.


  1. General introduction to issues that might arise for the breastfeeding family when the mother returns to work: https://www.laleche.org.uk/working-and-breastfeeding/
  2. Hands-on pumping is not just for mothers with babies in special care. Any mother who pumps can benefit from it. How does it work? http://www.nancymohrbacher.com/…/to-pump-more-milk-use…
  3. Hand Expression of Breastmilk. Until recently hand expression of milk has been an under-utilized skill in our institution. But there are many benefits of knowing how to express milk from the breast without the use of expensive or cumbersome pumps. In this video, Dr. Jane Morton demonstrates how easily hand expression can be taught to mothers. http://med.stanford.edu/…/bre…/hand-expressing-milk.html
  4. Maximizing Milk Production with Hands-On PumpingWhen an infant is unable to breastfeed effectively, and his mother needs to stimulate the breasts and express milk with a breast pump, building and maintaining an adequate supply can be a challenge. This video demonstrates some ways that pumping mothers can increase production without medication. https://med.stanford.edu/…/maximizing-milk-production.html
  5. Articles on the LLLGB website: When a baby can’t breastfeed Return to work or separation Making more milk Storing breastmilk PumpsTips for expressing Expressing when out and about Feeding your baby your milk https://www.laleche.org.uk/expressing-your-milk/
  6. A general introduction to pumping milk from the breast: https://www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/pumping-milk/
  7. Printed information from the LLLGB Shop on pumping and returning to work: https://www.lllgbbooks.co.uk/apps/search?q=pumping
  8. How to make bottle feeding as breastfeeding friendly as possible: https://www.google.com/search…
  9. CUP FEEDING: https://www.llli.org/cup-feeding/
  10. ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO SUPPLEMENT: https://www.laleche.org.uk/bottles-and-other-tools/
  11. Breastfeeding couple and separation. Ways to deal with it. https://www.laleche.org.uk/when-mum-cant-be-there/
  12. And of course, everything Lucy Ruddle: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=504453700199435&ref=watch_permalink

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