A day in the life of an IBCLC

Eszter observing baby latch

Some of you may wonder what happens during a lactation consultation.

Sounds clinical, doesn’t it? It really isn’t.

Most of what I do is LISTENING and observing.

I will ask you to fill in a detailed intake form so I can prepare for my visit in advance and have some idea of your history before I see you and baby.

I will want to hear your story.

What drove you to inviting me into your home?

What has led up to the situation you’re in right now?

How do you feel about things and where would you like to be in an ideal world?

I will observe you feeding your baby (by whichever method and your usual way), your breasts and your baby, as part of getting the bigger picture of what is going on for you two.

I will make suggestions and listen to how that sits with you. I will tweak things according to what feels comfortable to you, or doable with your lifestyle and priorities.

I may perform an oral assessment on baby’s mouth, using a gloved finger, to assess oral function, so I can indicate whether further assessment or referral may be necessary. This will most likely result in further discussion and your questions answered.

In my toolbox (amongst other things) I have:

– infant feeding related books and diagrams to teach, show, demonstrate and inform you

– a knitted boob and baby to demonstrate latching and positioning

– SNS lines in case we feel finger feeding or at breast supplementing may be helpful

– paper and pen to take notes for my write up (a full, detailed assessment write up and recommendations with links is sent to you on the same day)

– a bottle to demonstrate paced feeding

– sterile aprons, masks and gloves as part of my PPE (as agreed by the family and required by my insurance company)

I come to your home, if you live within 30 minutes(ish) driving distance from me.

Any questions?

Explaining with props about latching and positioning, feeding patterns and more
Oral assessment of baby

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