Here, there and everywhere
I have been holding stalls at several events this year… so good to meet the public!
At this Children’s Centre event I met several mums nursing older kids (over 1 year) and had many questions regarding where to go with there questions, what books are useful and some night weaning strategies .
I told them about the La Leche League group I run in Barnet that provides free (!) access to ongoing community meetings, evidence based information and a whole bank of resources, including a lending library of parenting and breastfeeding books.
This was so much fun! The sun was shining and the wind was blowing a gale!!! We had to have everything weighed down so it didn’t just take off.
BUT! I had so many brilliant chats with locals of all ages and stages of life.
I loved listening to your stories of being breastfed (or not) as a child and your memories of your now grown up children being difficult to breastfeed with no support, all those decades back!
Some of you asked to be added to my mailing list and my local community group, and others just needed quick reassurance or top tips on current challenges they are encountering.
This festival is becoming a local tradition after its 5th year running. It has a brilliant atmosphere, thousands of people pass in the 2 days, including re-en-actors from medieval times. One of these ‘medieval’ families came and asked for support with breastfeeding a toddler… even medieval toddlers can be trouble sometimes!
Thank goodness for shade, so some of the mummies could come and feed their babies under cover with a cold drink in hand to stay cool, while we chatted over issues.
A fun little fayre, at a local venue integrating several churches and local schools. So many great conversations, including with a mum of 10 (!) children! One lovely mum was grieving her breastfeeding journey and wanted advice with bringing her supply back. (It’s hardly ever too late but does require some dedication!) Always interested to hear your stories, whether you managed to breastfeed or not. So much for you to process, so much for me to learn.
Contact me if you have an event you would like me to present at. I can make my stall fit your purpose and add value to the younger family members of your community!